Sunday 11 September 2011

Written Description Proposal

I plan on designing a social networking service that will encourage people to save on power as well as compete against their friends to be the top energy saver. The goal of my application is to save more power than you did the day before and each week it will reset itself. It will also show how the user how much money they have saved since joining the application, but the main incentive is to save more than your friends and be the top energy saver.  They can also share their results via facebook and twitter.

My target audience is from anyone flatting to families. I have such a wide target audience because I feel anyone living in a household could use my application. I am going to have a simple design that is easy to navigate as there is nothing worse than not being able to find things you want. I have chosen to use a colour theme of blue, grey and white as they are simple colours yet appealing.

The technology I will be using is the programme adobe flash. I have used this programme before but will still use online tutorials to help my while making my application. 

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