Thursday 29 September 2011

Information going on the first 4 scenes.

Scene One  - About us: Power Save is an application that allows the user to interact with friends and family while competing against them to save the most power. The aim of the application is for the user to save more power than they did the day before and become the top saver amongst your friends over the week. Power Save also allows you to share your savings with Facebook and Twitter. ᅠ

As an individual it may not feel like you are making much of a difference by saving small amounts of power, but as a nation we are capable of saving much more which will result in keeping our country beautiful. So do your bit and encourage your friends and family to join Power Save.

Scene Two - Saving Tips:

Is your monthly power bill high? Here is just a few simple tips on saving yourself a bit of extra money.

- Draw your curtains before sunset to keep warmth in the house.
- Swith to energy efficient light bulbs. They use 80% less power than standard bulbs.
- Use draft stoppers to keep the heat in a room quickly.
- Switch appliances off at the wall when you are not using them.
- Choose to buy energy efficient appliances. Look for products displaying the energy saving label.
- Use the sun to dry your clothes rather than a dryer.
- Turn off heaters and air conditioning in rooms or areas that aren’t occupied.

By using these simple saving tips you could really save a lot on your power bill.

Scene Three - NZ Top Savers:
For this scene I will have 5 images / names of people and the amount of kWh that they have saved over the last week. They will be ranked 1 to 5.

Scene Four - Profile:
This sceen will be the exact same to the prototype. Same tabs, layout etc.

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