Thursday 29 September 2011

Information going on scenes 5 - 8.

Scene Five - Your Savings: 

Since joining Power Save you have saved:

330 kWh   = $83.16

That is equivalent to: 6 days worth of power.
      5x 1kg blocks of cheese.
      17 2Litre bottles of milk.
      30 loaves of bread.
How much more can you save? Keep it up.

Scene Six - Your Weekly Readings:

These readings are taken from your homes Power Meter and shows the last 7 days readings.

Friday - 129164 kWh
Saturday - 129225 kWh
Sunday - 129284 kWh Your average Kwh
Monday - 129344 kWh used per day is
Tuesday - 129407 kWh 51.43 kWh.
Wednesday - 129463 kWh
Thursday - 129524 kWh

Can you save more in the next week? Remember to try your best to make New Zealands Top 5 Savers.

Scene Seven - Your Friends Leader Board:
This is will be similar to scene 3. It will contain 5 images / names of people and how much they have saved in the last week. It will be ranked from top to bottom.

Scene Eight - Your Power Save Friends:
Will contain picture of people with their names underneath. Will show between 10 - 15 friends, depending on how many I can fit.

- I had people from my hostel test what I had done so far on my application. They all gave me positive feedback. They felt that the information I was putting on each scene was easy to read and understand, the layout of my application was very easy to navigate and the colour choices I had used were appealing. They did notice a couple of spelling mistakes in which I fixed.

Names of those who tested it: Julie Russel, Maria Chan, Ryan Jones, Jarrod Dick.

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