Saturday 23 July 2011


I was very happy with the feedback I received for my tester ideas for the Braille. Everybody who tried it managed to work out what the shapes were (they were very simple anyway) and also thought that my overall idea would work. They also gave me suggestions into ways of improving my idea.
Mitch said that "I should make the Braille more challenging by using patterns and adding distracting materials to increase the amount of concentration needed by the user".
Jarrod said "By stitching to beads closer together and making the shapes smaller it could make it harder for the user to work out what the shape is".
I was very happy to receive these suggestions and I am seriously considering including some of these in my proposal.

The feedback I received back for the sandpaper idea was not to bad. Everybody who attempted this task managed to do it correctly in a very short amount of time. But Alex made a very good point when he said "Sticking to just the Braille could be more effective because there is a lot more I can do with it. The sandpaper is also quite boring".
From this feedback I have decided to get rid of the sandpaper idea for now, but I will always keep it in the back of my mind in case it ends up fitting into my idea somewhere down the track.

Testing my idea has really helped me to come up with my final proposal idea. I am glad that we did this testing as I received some very good feedback and suggestions which could make my interactive piece be a lot more successful.

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